La connexion électrique, la distribution, la dérivation et les systèmes de transport sont au cœur de l’offre de GEWISS. Une gamme complète de produits innovants fabriqués en Italie et conçus pour créer des solutions d’installation répondant à tous les besoins.
Un système de gestion et de protection de l’énergie dernier cri. Une synergie et une intégration maximale entre les équipements modulaires et en boîtiers, entre les tableaux de distribution et les armoires.
Sécurité, confort, économies d’énergie, supervision et design. Ce sont les mots clés que nous utilisons pour décrire l’intégralité du système GEWISS pour les habitations et bâtiments intelligents.
La qualité des éclairages et les systèmes d’éclairage intelligent apportent les meilleures solutions de planification de conception italienne pour contribuer au bien-être des personnes et de l’environnement.
Notre vocation est le déploiement d'infrastructures permettant une mobilité plus fiable, durable, et intelligente pour les véhicules électriques (IRVE) mais aussi dans les marinas, l'hôtellerie de plein air et les espaces publiques.
Nous créons des liens entre les gens et les objets.
Nous créons des liens entre les gens et les objets.
Nous avons sélectionné neuf applications dans lesquelles nos propositions peuvent être insérées en harmonie avec les besoins de chaque réalité et type de parties prenantes.
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The increase in the ecological awareness of consumers is leading to a profound change in the automotive sector: on the one hand a new mobility of the future is emerging, characterised by more ecologically-friendly cars with increased levels of automation and connectivity and, on the other, the whole concept of the private car is changing, and is being replaced by a widespread ecosystem of more flexible transport services with a growing availability of alternatives. Electrification is, of course, a fundamental part of this transformation. Here are some of the best examples of the changes we are experiencing.
Virtuous Bergamo
“Bergamo is one of the cities most focused on the sustainable mobility process” and is placed firmly within the top ten Italian provinces with the highest number of registered electrical vehicles relative to its population. The local government is investing in electric mobility both public—with the purchase of various electric buses—and collective, promoting electric car sharing and electric micro mobility such as electric scooters. Hundreds of electric car charging columns have been distributed around the city and province, although to date there is no single database that indicates all the private and public charging points. Bergamo also has an Urban Plan for Sustainable Mobility: a strategic planning tool that, over the medium-long term (10 years), is developing a system of urban mobility to achieve the environmental, social and economic sustainability objectives.
Milan Portanuova: the first district-based car sharing project
In the Porta Nuova area of Milan, users can take advantage of the new ELEC3City service that enables drivers to share 100% electric cars. Besides offering ecological benefits for the city of Milan and the district, the service is intended to give a taste of electric mobility to those who are still sceptical about the use of this type of vehicle. ELEC3City is the first example in Italy of electric car sharing linked to a specific district within a city and the aim here is to simplify the management of this type of vehicle within the metropolis. The cars are available from a car park conveniently located within the district and the service is accessed via a dedicated mobile app that offers extremely cost-effective rates. The operator has full responsibility for the charging and maintenance of the vehicles.
Rimini city with electric drive
This town in Romagna has always catered to the services required by tourists: in recent years it has adopted car, bicycle and scooter sharing, and has been undergoing a process of planning for charging stations for electric cars since 2018.
Four years ago, the municipality identified the economic operator who would be contracted to install and operate electric charging facilities on public land for private use. The charging column ecosystem follows a capillary and functional distribution scheme: the new public charging infrastructures are placed at key urban positions based on the axis points of the most intense traffic, intermodal nodes and widespread hubs that have the highest number of residents and visitors, with a focus to also include the areas of “weak demand”; i.e. portions of the territory with low or medium-low transport demand characterised by a less dense population.
Sardinia turns to SME'S for its charging points
Sardinia has issued a notice for the allocation of grants to companies wanting to install rapid charging columns located along the main Sardinian routes or in industrial areas. The aid consists of a grant of up to 75%, with a maximum grant of €30,000 per company, provided that the energy to power the columns is generated from 100% renewable sources. The subsidy is also extended to small and medium-sized companies with no photovoltaic system and to those in industrial areas. The beneficiaries of the grant must guarantee 24-hour accessibility and the columns must be located along main road networks connecting the region and in the main industrial zones to benefit the companies that operate there.
These examples of forward-looking local governments embrace a new generation of consumers with different priorities and sensitivities, while also offering a practical advantage to companies. Now that any concerns regarding car charging have been eliminated, companies can proceed to the electrification of their vehicles and company fleets with greater conviction.
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