La connexion électrique, la distribution, la dérivation et les systèmes de transport sont au cœur de l’offre de GEWISS. Une gamme complète de produits innovants fabriqués en Italie et conçus pour créer des solutions d’installation répondant à tous les besoins.
Un système de gestion et de protection de l’énergie dernier cri. Une synergie et une intégration maximale entre les équipements modulaires et en boîtiers, entre les tableaux de distribution et les armoires.
Sécurité, confort, économies d’énergie, supervision et design. Ce sont les mots clés que nous utilisons pour décrire l’intégralité du système GEWISS pour les habitations et bâtiments intelligents.
La qualité des éclairages et les systèmes d’éclairage intelligent apportent les meilleures solutions de planification de conception italienne pour contribuer au bien-être des personnes et de l’environnement.
Notre vocation est le déploiement d'infrastructures permettant une mobilité plus fiable, durable, et intelligente pour les véhicules électriques (IRVE) mais aussi dans les marinas, l'hôtellerie de plein air et les espaces publiques.
Nous créons des liens entre les gens et les objets.
Nous créons des liens entre les gens et les objets.
Nous avons sélectionné neuf applications dans lesquelles nos propositions peuvent être insérées en harmonie avec les besoins de chaque réalité et type de parties prenantes.
Vous avez besoin de conseils techniques ou dans le cadre d’un projet ?
Vous avez besoin de conseils techniques ou dans le cadre d’un projet ?
Les experts de GEWISS sont à la disposition de la communauté web pour proposer une assistance technique gratuite. Le service est à votre disposition pour vous aider à préparer vos projets et pour vous proposer des conseils sur des projets déjà structurés.
Terms like automation, domotics and Smart Home describe similar concepts and can be used to sum up the whole group of technological and connectivity solutions that aim to improve the quality of life in our homes. They are all implicitly linked to the Internet of Things and can be used to manage home entertainment, cost optimisation and the ability to work from home: so-called remote work that became so widespread during the pandemic.
The necessity for isolation forced many companies and professionals to turn to remote working, i.e. you work from home and the work performed is more closely linked to results than to the hours spent in the office.
What is remote work and what advantages does it offer?
Remote work, working from home, telework, office-at-home: whatever you want to call it, this ‘new’ way of working has its pros and cons. On the one hand it saves time and the stress involved with commuting to the office; on the other it leads to an increase in costs (e.g. keeping heating turned on for a greater number of hours) and the necessity for a certain personal organisation to ensure the day is effective and productive. Regardless of its size or a dedicated study’s presence, the home must become a place where it is easy to concentrate, be productive and allow holding meetings remotely if necessary.
Apart from a good internet connection, a practical and complete workstation is essential to avoid as many distractions as possible. Among their various advantages, home automation systems are of great assistance in this, automating and optimising a whole series of tasks that reduce time and concentration.
A smart home for smart working
The ability to programme the temperature in response to the outside temperature and for the hours we are actually at home, to set domestic appliances to work at convenient times without overloading the system, to manage lights and have efficient security systems that can control all rooms in the house also remotely, these are just some of the examples of home automation that optimise time and allow substantial savings.
When designing or renovating a flat, it is important to include elements that facilitate home automation: from the simplest ones such as a large number of sockets, all the better if they have mobile device charging systems, and control units; to the more advanced ones that include uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) integrated into the system and strategically located network points: wireless connectivity is perfect for mobile devices, but hard-wired connectivity is more stable and faster than wireless when large amounts of data need to be transferred.
One of the most critical issues that must be addressed when designing a home automation system is its compatibility with elements and devices of different brands that must be able to talk to each other today as well as in the future.
A home with an effective home automation system simplifies the use of all the digital entertainment possibilities available to us today and, above all, facilitates working from home, optimising costs and making remote working a viable alternative to the office.
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