Nov 2021
Tourism of the future focuses on electric mobility
Time to read: 6 min

Electric and sustainable tourism: charging points become an opportunity for hotels and cities to improve their services.

The travel landscape has become much more complex in recent years. Travellers are increasingly demanding and want personalised, flexible services that meet their needs. Furthermore, thanks to the Internet, travellers are more aware and knowledgeable about the many options to choose from. They can therefore find out in advance whether a hotel or tourist resort will be to their liking.

Extra services thus become the decisive differentiating factor motivating travellers to choose a particular accommodation facility or specific destination.

Among the range of strategies pursued in tourism, electric mobility plays a prominent role, adding real value. Facilities and locations that choose to focus on electric tourism are offering an extra service by providing a tangible response to the needs of an increasing number of travellers and tourists who routinely use e-mobility for their travel. 

Why offer electric charging?

More and more people are choosing eco-friendly hospitality during their stay, whether they’re travelling for business or pleasure. This demand, which is set to increase over time, can very easily be fulfilled by accommodation facilities by installing charging points for electric cars.

In addition to attracting travellers and building customer loyalty, by providing a service that will soon become as indispensable as Wi-Fi, charging points are an effective choice for promoting green mobility. At a time when the environmental crisis is a major concern across the world, the pursuit of sustainability is a critical challenge in every industry.

As evidence of this awareness, Italy is also focusing attention on developing electric tourism, viewing it as a tool to improve its accommodation offer with full respect for the environment.

Electric tourism: Italian initiatives

The actions taken by the government clearly show that a twin-track approach is being taken to tourism and electric mobility. In 2018, The Ministry of Cultural Assets and Tourism and Enel signed an agreement to develop the use of electricity for tourist travel. By the end of 2022, Italian cities of art will have approximately 14,000 electric vehicle charging points, all based on the latest technology. The objective: to reduce air and noise pollution in tourist destinations.

Thanks to agreements of this kind, an increasing number of initiatives are being taken by individual towns and cities to leverage the e-mobility potential as a marketing tool for their area. The town of Sirolo, in the heart of the Conero Regional Park, has installed 14 charging points; and the Lazio Region has published a €10 million public tender for the redevelopment and sustainability of coastal areas covering 24 towns. Financing projects include charging stations for electric cars and e-bike charging points. The plan aims to improve the image of the Lazio coastline, “enhancing the attractiveness of places in accordance with environmental conservation principles”. The idea is therefore to provide a service to citizens and tourists, consistent with the needs of a natural area. In 2017, the Lombardy Region defined a strategy that aimed to increase the use of electric vehicles and expand the charging infrastructure. Several towns and cities in Lombardy now offer innovative car-sharing systems that involve the shared use of an electric vehicle by local authorities and citizens.

Italian hotels and electric mobility

If it is essential for a tourist location to have a charging point, it is even more important for a hotel to have one. In Italy, there are already several hotels equipped with charging stations, with a higher concentration in the north and in Trentino-Alto Adige.

Trade associations themselves can give a significant boost to the development of electric tourism. Federalberghi Cervia, for example, has launched a pilot project to install charging points in accommodation facilities in Riccione.

In short, the future of tourism also depends on electric mobility.

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