Jan 2024
Smart mobility - The opportunities to look forward to in 2024
Time to read: 2 min

With the recent implementation of the “electric charging column bonus” for companies and private individuals, the ecobonus undergoing renewal and the various discussions in the European Parliament on the diffusion of charging stations for sustainable vehicles, opportunities for savings aimed at the future of smart mobility seem to be on the way.


To date, there are still many aspects that require final decisions and verifications but being aware of the progress helps to keep in mind the most important upcoming developments.

Towards greater constancy of bonuses and incentives

The first improvement to hope for in the next few years is a more precise definition of the timings, renewal and funding of bonuses and incentives for electric mobility.

Recently, we talked about the bonus for electric vehicle charging stations, which has allocated 87.5 million euros to businesses and the self-employed. The hope is that action will be taken at the European level in this direction as well.

A positive signal arrived in July 2023, when Brussels adopted regulations on alternative fuel infrastructure: by 2026, electric charging stations every 60 km on Europe’s main roads.

Plus, the Brussels Parliament is currently discussing regulations for the provision of electric car charging points in every building constructed in the future, further expanding the infrastructure dedicated to sustainable mobility.

Similarly, it is necessary to incentivise the purchase of electric vehicles to enable everyone to use the infrastructure being implemented. Here is what the latest bonuses still active offer.

Bonus smart mobility still active

There are various bonuses that can still be claimed. They are for both the purchase of recharging devices and that of owned electric vehicles.

●     Purchase contribution for home charging devices - within the Superbonus, financing (up to 2,000 euros) for the installation of electric charging stations can be included among the renovation measures.

●     Car purchase contribution for those transporting people or goods - a contribution of up to 3,500 euros is provided to them for the purchase of an electrically powered vehicle.

●     Car purchase contribution for natural and legal persons using vehicles for car hire - also in this case, up to 5,000 euros for a vehicle with an official list price of 35,000 euros or less.

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Electric vehicle charging
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