Sustainable urban mobility: exemplary projects and major events
Zeit zum Lesen: 3 Min.
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Sustainable urban mobility: successful italian projects
Zeit zum Lesen: 3 Min.
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Building Automation and interior design: possibilities for integration
Zeit zum Lesen: 4 Min.
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Make your home smart: Smart Home devices
Zeit zum Lesen: 4 Min.
Make your home smart by harmonising comfort, design, security and energy savings through connected automation systems. A smart home is where devices communicate with each other enabling a completely customisable experience.
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Urban lighting: prospects for the future
Zeit zum Lesen: 4 Min.
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Is your gym safe and secure? Building automation is your guarantee
Zeit zum Lesen: 3 Min.
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Correct lighting for an office based on type and space
Zeit zum Lesen: 3 Min.
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Home Automation: why the pandemic has increased demand
Zeit zum Lesen: 4 Min.
The pandemic has changed the work habits of many people leading to a growing interest in home automation systems.
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Sport and environmental sustainability: 5 green measures
Zeit zum Lesen: 4 Min.
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Controlling electricity consumption: how to achieve this with the help of Smart Home
Zeit zum Lesen: 3 Min.
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