Portofoliul GEWISS este compus din sistemele avansate de conectare, distribuție, derivare și transport al energiei. Prin intermediul unei selecții vaste de produse inovatoare, fabricate în Italia, propunem soluții integrate, concepute pentru a răspunde eficient oricărei cerințe.
Un sistem avansat pentru managementul și protecția energiei electrice. Asigură o sinergie și integrare maximă între echipamentele modulare și montate în carcasă, panourile electrice și dulapurile de distribuție
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Sistemele de iluminat inteligente și de înaltă calitate, cu design italian, ce oferă soluții optimizate, pentru a spori confortul din mediul înconjurător.
JOINON este soluția noastră integrată pentru mobilitatea durabilă.
Creăm conexiuni între oameni și obiecte.
Creăm conexiuni între oameni și obiecte.
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How would you describe the new lighting design trends?
Ambitious climate targets, sustainable raw materials, advanced digitisation: these current issues are also reflected in interior and lighting design trends, which embrace values such as authenticity, durability and energy savings. Thus, the new trends try to convey a feeling of freedom and security.
The continuing instability in international politics brings with it many concerns regarding consumption: lighting systems based on LED technology are an absolute must for 2023, especially when coupled with minimalist elegance, environmentally sustainable materials and lines that define a new simplicity.
In addition to low-consumption systems, energy is optimised through increasingly sophisticated smart systems that use IoT to provide comfortable and connected living.
A case in point is the Frankfurt Light + Building trade fair – one of the most important events for lighting professionals – which for Autumn 2022 emphasised digitisation, eco-sustainability and safety.
Materials for designer lighting
The tendency in recent years has been towards an increasingly eclectic use of eco-friendly materials, such as metal and glass, for the creation of lamps, wall lights and ceiling lights. Glass is available in a multitude of finishes and is enhanced by neutral colours such as clay and beige, by warmer colours such as copper and gold, and by more decisive classic colours such as black and white.
Metal is also back in vogue, in all kinds of tints and finishes: satin aluminium and gunmetal grey for minimalist elegance, light copper or pearly bronze for a more personal accent, or even in pale colours such as white, which enhance the satin effect of the metal.
Connectivity and smart lights
Connectivity is another essential element, both to allow more eco-friendly functions and to follow the seductive voice of marketing. Smart home lighting solutions offer a wide and complete variety of smart functions for residential applications, with intuitive user control. Ideal for both new buildings and renovations. The two keywords are flexibility and scalability.
Designer lighting: shapes, sizes and style
Curvilinear lighting elements will be widely available in 2023 Extravagant curves lend a subtle eclectic touch to modern interior design ideas and also create a balance with other furniture elements.
When it comes to sizes, exaggerated dimensions can add an upbeat mood to home furnishing ideas, and many designers are embracing the big is better philosophy, especially when it comes to floor and ceiling lights. Domes, cones and globes will continue to be a prominent feature in contemporary design and are expected to be among the main trends in 2023.
Lighting solutions that reflect an industrial style have been popular for some time. Industrial lighting design will be updated in 2023, with more modern and refined creations. This modern take on industrial classics uses a less is more approach: minimalist lines and a contemporary feel, made with quality materials designed to last.
Light plays on surfaces, outlines shapes and adds unexpected depth; it allows a harmonious dialogue between natural and artificial reflections, helping to create the right atmosphere for productiveness at work, or relaxing and enjoying time at home. Overall, lighting is becoming more and more eclectic and unusual. In 2023, we must be ready for customers who seek greater levels of customisation in their choices.
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