SHUNT TRIP RELEASE (SH) - FOR MSX/E/M125-1000 - 380-450 V ac

Kod : GWD8520

Seria: MSX
Moulded case circuit breaker for power distribution

The moulded case circuit breakers MSX range is made up of circuit breakers with thermo-magnetic release, circuit breakers with thermo-magnetic release and Overcurrent Protection, circuit breakers with electronic release and switch disconnectors.

Informacje techniczne

Odpowiedni dla MSX/E/M125-1000
Prąd cewki (V) 380 - 450 V ac
Ware Number 85389099

Specyfikacja techniczna - IT

Specyfikacja techniczna - EN

Broszura - EN

Broszura - IT

Specyfikacja techniczna - ES

Oznakowanie CE

APPLICATIONS: allows the remote release of a MCCB'S when a certain voltage is applied to its terminals. When the release is powered, the contacts and the operating lever of the MCCB's assume the tripped position.
NOTE: The operating voltage range is 85% to 110% in AC and 75% to 125% in DC.
CHARACTERISTICS: they are identified by the grey colour and the SH symbol on the product.

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