CHORUSMART - Domestic range
British Standard

Domestic series characterized by profiles and shapes inspired by the ChoruSmart family.
Plate ranges of Italian design, divided into two families, GEO and LUX, made of a wide variety of materials and finishes.
The series, developed around monobloc devices, is available in three colours: glossy white, satin black, varnished titanium and is suitable for British Standard boxes of 3x3 inches (1 gang) and 3x6 inches (2 gangs).
Expandable thanks to ChoruSmart modular devices.

Total security
Expansion of functions
Total security
Total security
1 and 2-gang 13A switched sockets with child safety protection to prevent access to the mains when no plug is inserted.
Expansion of functions
Expansion of functions
A wide selection of wiring devices, expandable with the modular Chorus devices, for a complete range that meets all design, functionality and installation needs.

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