BLIND DOOR - SIDE COMPARTMENT - QDX 630/1600 H - (600+300)X2000MM

Kód: GWD3216
Řada: QDX 1600 H
Modular enclosures up to 1600A - IP55
The QDX 1600 H series of cabinets makes robustness its strong point, specifically in all those applications where both a high level of protection from external agents and a high breaking power from the short circuit are required.

Technické informace

Suitable for structures
LxH (mm)
Ware Number 85389099

User guide

Brochure - EN

Brochure - IT

Technical characteristics - IT

Technical characteristics - EN

Technical characteristics - ES

CE marking

ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED: triangular insert key for opening side compartment door.

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