

‘Smart mobility’ is becoming a major feature in all our lives, definitively changing the way we move around and how we imagine our daily trips. That is the concept of Smart Mobility, which combines individual needs with the safeguarding of the environment we live in.

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6 News
12 Jul 2024
Does your hotel have an electric charging column? It is a service increasingly requested by road users
Time to read: 5 min
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28 Jun 2024
How to install an electric charging column in hotels and small accommodation facilities
Time to read: 5 min
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14 Jun 2024
Artificial intelligence in company fleets. A tool at the service of sustainable mobility
Time to read: 4 min
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Electric car induction charging: what we know
Time to read: 4 min
Several countries around the world have been showing interest in experiments on inductive charging. The first applications were in 2019, in Tel Aviv, and induction charging of electric cars is currently being studied in China, Australia, Sweden and the United States.
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Sustainable urban mobility: exemplary projects and major events
Time to read: 3 min
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Sustainable urban mobility: successful Italian projects
Time to read: 3 min
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