Kod : GWJ3714T
Charging wallbox for electric vehicles I-CON EVO
I-CON EVO wallboxes are JOINON solutions designed to integrate into private and semi-public scenarios in accordance with the international standard IEC 61851-1 ed. 3. They are distinguished by both an elegant and compact design and special "one-hand charge" functionality. At the same time, the presence of a vandal-proof socket and IP55 degree combined with IK11-certified mechanical strength make them safe and reliable solutions. In addition, I-CON EVO wallboxes feature full connectivity to support the related JOINON EVO App for full and easy control of charging, intelligent management of loads and additional energy produced by any photovoltaic panels (also in Master/Slave mode), and several installation options: wall-mounted, flush-mounted, or floor-mounted.



Informacje techniczne

Droga ładowania Tryb 3
Gniazda ładowania Typ 2
Typ konektora Złącze mobilne typ2
Długość kabla (jeśli dostępna) 5 m
Charakterystyka elektryczna i mechaniczna -
- -
Listwy zaciskowe 5 x 16 mm²
Napięcie nominalne 400 V
Całkowity maksymalny prąd 32 A
Akumulatory maks. 22 kW
Ochrona użytkownika DC Leakage 6mA
Licznik Meter MID
Montaż Montaż ścienny / podtynkowy / podłogowy
Materiał POPRZEMYSŁOWY materiał pochodzący z recyklingu
Ochrona IP IP55
Odporność na wstrząsy IK11
Temperatura robocza Od -25°C do +55°C
- -
Charakterystyka funkcjonalna -
- -
Łączność Wifi+Ethernet
Komunikacja OCPP 1.6J
Zarządzanie obciążeniem DLM/PV BOOST
Aktywacja ładowania RFID lub APP
Master/Slave Tak
aktualizacje "Over-the-air" Tak
Programowalny styk zdalny Tak
Lokalne dyrektywy -
- -
Dostępne akcesoria -
- -
DLM CT KIT do zarządzania obciążeniem GWJ8038 Trójfazowe/
GWD6809+GWD6821+C.T. (GWD96441÷GWD96447) powyżej 100A
Jednostronny wspornik podłogowy GWJ8102
Puszka podtynkowa GWJ8101
Dwustronny wspornik podłogowy GWJ8103
Osłona zabezpieczająca -
Karta RFID GWJ8002
Zestawy modemów 4G GWJ8111
Ware Number 85044060

Product Data Sheet

Specyfikacja techniczna - IT

Specyfikacja techniczna - EN

ogólne informacje i zalecenia

Podręcznik użytkownika

Przewodnik instalacyjny

Oznakowanie CE

FEATURES: ideal charging solution for offering a chargeable charging service or useful for consumption reporting as equipped with MID-certified energy meter. They provide controlled access to charging through one or more RFID cards or with authentication via MyJOINON app. Charging power is configurable via onboard portal, through which it is also possible to monitor the charging station status, check the logs and configure the RFID cards. On the other hand, via myJOINON app it is possible to monitor consumption, receive notifications in relation to the system and charging station status, and much more. For dynamic load management (DLM) in order to avoid overloads (and thus blackouts) and to take advantage of the Solar Boost feature, which allows the electric vehicle to be charged through the excess energy produced by any photovoltaic panels present, we recommend the use of GWJ8037 (single-phase) or GWJ8038 (three-phase) kits in systems up to 100 A; for systems above 100 A, on the other hand, we recommend the use of the energy meter (GWD6809) in addition to the IP module (GWD6821) and closed amperometric transformers (code GW96447 to GW96453) available in the Energy Catalog. Taking advantage of DLM, these products can be connected to each other via Ethernet connection in Master/Slave mode to optimally balance the maximum charging power for each wallbox. Customizable front panel upon request. Can be accessorized with 4G modem kit (GWJ8111).
EQUIPMENT: LED indicators for user status. Mobile connector versions equipped with 5 meters of smooth cable and integrated charging station sheath. Integrated SPDs. No. 2 user RFID cards.

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